Home Quiz This Quiz will reveal your Intelligence level.

This Quiz will reveal your Intelligence level.


What is the capital of Florida?

Correct! Wrong!

What TV series is about a genius doctor with autism and savant syndrome who uses his incredible medical insight to solve some of the most difficult cases?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the main character in Breaking Bad?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the national bird of Canada?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the TV series that first aired on 2004?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the movie that was released in 2000 and featured Tom Hanks?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the name of the dog in the movie "Up"?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the protagonist in "Stranger Things"?

Correct! Wrong!

Name the title and year of the movie in which a man is selected by a group of scientists to leave his family and live in an isolated high-tech home with other geniuses, where he's monitored for intelligence.

Correct! Wrong!

Which TV show should you watch to ensure that your IQ is high enough to enjoy?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Your IQ level is incredibly low. It's impressive that you can read and write, but your logic skills are lacking when it comes to understanding the true nature of this argument. Your refusal to see the truth does not change its existence. Try harder next time or be more productive with your life in some other way that doesn't involve arguing on a message board about politics because at least then you could argue without any factual basis for what you're trying to say..
Your IQ level is moderate, but with a few adjustments, you can easily achieve genius-level intelligence. You may not have the superhuman abilities of some other fictional characters, but your IQ level is moderate and could be pushed to reach genius-level intelligence if just a few tweaks are made in different areas of life. A variety of factors affect one's IQ score: genetics, environment, and education all play their part when it comes to determining how high someone will go on this scale. But don't worry - there's plenty that you can do too!
Your intelligence is higher than Albert Einstein's, he was lucky not to have your IQ level. Your intelligence is off the charts and you're capable of doing anything you set your mind to do. You could easily win any trivia show if they were asking about our solar system! Some people might find it hard to relate with someone so intelligent but don't worry because there are plenty more people who feel like that too. It can be difficult at times when everyone seems to think a certain way or has an opinion on everything, but remember- "they" ain't got nothing on us! They just need time catching up 😉

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