If you’re planning a couple’s get-together or party, ‘Truth, Dare or Drinks’ could be a great game to play. We’ve put up a big list of truth, dare or drinks questions for couples who want to learn more about each other while having a good time. These amusing questions for couples can be asked during a couples’ party or in private with your partner.
On a date night or a weekend getaway, you can play this game with your sweetheart. This allows you to share more facts about yourself with your partner, and vice versa.

- Dare Questions For Boyfriend:
- What 5 things would you ask your girlfriend (me) in truth questions?
- What is the most romantic moment we have ever had?
- Have you ever played truth or dare over text?
- What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
- What is the funniest truth or dare questions you have ever played?
- How do you like to be kissed?
- A kiss and a hug, which would you go for, and why?
- Have you ever played dirty truth or dare questions over tex?
- What is the first thing you would notice on a date?
- Ever googled date ideas for two?
- Smack Or Facts Questions:
- What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
- If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?
- Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?
- After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it?
- Have you ever tasted a booger?
- What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex?
- Have you ever peed in the pool?
- Who do you think is the worst-dressed person in this room?
- Have you ever farted in an elevator?
- True or false: You have a crush on [fill in the blank].
- Wife Truth Or Dare:
- What is one question you don’t want me to ask you?
- What is your hidden talent that I don’t know yet?
- Can you spend an entire month without me?
- Do you feel some kind of emotional dependence?
- Do you daydream? If yes, about what?
- What do you think my best quality is?
- Do you want any changes in my body? Where?
- At what age did you first learn about making out?
- How and from whom did you first learn about making love?
- Did your parents ever walk in on you having making out? How?
- Truth Or Drink Questions Couples:
- Did you ever fart inside an elevator?
- Did you ever pick your nose in office?
- Which is your favorite song to hum in the shower?
- Your worst addiction?
- Have you ever peed while playing on the beach?
- Have you ever lied to your partner?
- Narrate your first breakup story giving all details.
- What’s your biggest turn off in a person of the opposite sex?
- What turns you on?
- How far did you go on your first date?
- Boy Friend Girl Friend Questions:
- When/where did we meet?
- Where was our first date?
- Where/when was our first kiss?
- Who said “I love you” first?
- When is my birthday?
- Where was I born?
- What color are my eyes?
- Which food do I like/hate?
- I’m sitting in front of the TV. What’s on the screen?
- What’s my favorite band/musician?
- Truth Or Drink Questions For Couples:
- When/where did you meet my parents?
- What’s my shoe size?
- What’s my weirdest habit?
- What am I good at?
- What am I okay at?
- What am I really bad at?
- Which sport do I like the most?
- What’s my favorite song?
- What film always makes me cry?
- What drink do I always order?
- Truth Or Drink Couples Questions:
- If I was collecting something, what would it be?
- What is something you wish I didn’t do?
- Where would I love to travel to?
- I’m ordering a pizza. What toppings does it have?
- I’m making a sandwich. What’s on it?
- If I could, what candy could I eat all day long?
- If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?
- What weird talent do I have?
- Where does my family come from?
- What am I deathly afraid of?
- Flirty Dares Over Text:
- Wear “Kiss me…It’s my Birthday” board over your neck for 20 minutes
- Truth or Dare for Couples: Wear “Kiss me… It’s my Birthday” board over your neck for 20 minutes on a pink background
- Cover one of your body parts in whipped cream.
- Someone has to lick peanut butter, chocolate sauce, or whipped cream off your finger, cheek, or somewhere of their choice.
- Tell an erotic story to a photo of a celebrity.
- Do 20 pushups and shout my name with each one.
- Lick your own lips in a sexy way for 30 seconds.
- Squeeze lemon juice on your elbow and lick it.
- Tell me a fantasy you’ve never told anyone.
- Tell me something you always wanted to say me but you couldn’t.
- Good Truth Or Drink Questions:
- What’s your most shallow reason for not going on a second date?
- What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
- What’s your worst habit?
- Name something illegal that you’ve done and regret.
- Tell about the biggest ticket you’ve ever gotten.
- How many people in the room would you be willing to kiss?
- What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
- What do you wear when you’re hoping to go home with someone?
- What kind of underwear do you wear?
- What’s your dream first date?
- Embarrassing Questions To Ask A Guy:
- What’s your most embarrassing fantasy?
- What kind of porn do you search for?
- When watching porn, what makes you turn it off?
- Have you ever joined a hook-up app or any app associated with risky behavior?
- How many “toys” do you own?
- What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
- What’s the weirdest role play you’ve ever done?
- What’s the raunchiest dream you’ve ever had?
- What’s the landscaping like “down there?”
- What’s the dirtiest picture you’ve ever sent?
- Silly Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend:
- If you had a pet unicorn, what would you name it?
- OR if you could make any animal your pet, what would it be and why?
- OR if you could become any animal, what would it be and why?
- What kind of animal am I?
- If you made up an ice cream flavor, what would be in it?
- What would you call it?
- You can only eat one thing for the rest of your time on earth. What do you eat and why?
- Who was your celebrity crush as a teen?
- Who was your real crush as a teen?
- Who’s your current crush?
- Questions To Ask Your Ex:
- Did you really feel that you loved me?
- Do you ever think about me? If yes, how often?
- Whenever you watch our favorite movies or songs, do they remind you of me?
- Do you remember how you first met me?
- What was it about me that made you fall for me?
- What did you find best about me?
- What did you dislike about me?
- Did you ever cheat on me? If yes, do you recall your motivations at the time? What do you think and feel about it now?
- When you think of it right now, do you regret the relationship didn’t work?
- What were some things you liked about me and the relationship?
- Questions To Ask Your Ex Boyfriend:
- Do you miss me and the relationship?
- Did you ever see a future with me?
- What’s your favorite memory of us together?
- I am wondering. Do you still have the things I gave you?
- If you could change something about the relationship, what would it be?
- Did the relationship change you in any way?
- Do you think you have changed since the break-up?
- Do you still have feelings for me?
- What did you learn about yourself and us during our time apart?
- What would you have done differently to avoid our last separation?
- Flirty Dares:
- Do a couple-TikTok- dance.
- Change clothes with someone for the rest of the game.
- Tell someone what you think your future will be with them.
- Reveal your sexiest dream.
- Talk in a seductive voice for 1 hour.
- Lay your head to someone’s lap for the rest of the game.
- Describe your crush using food.
- Smell everyone’s hair and describe how it smells.
- Write or draw something embarrassing somewhere on your body.
- Make every person in the group smile, keep going until everyone has cracked a smile.
- Truth Or Dare Questions For Family:
- What is a word that you’ve made up?
- Is there a mess under your bed?
- If you could put one person in your family on mute for a day, who would it be?
- How long have you gone without showering?
- Would you trade your sibling for a million dollars?
- What is your favorite meal Mom makes?
- Is there a mess in your closet?
- Have you ever had a dream about one of your relatives?
- What’s your scariest nightmare?
- Were you ever scared of monsters?
- Awkward Questions Ask Your Boyfriend:
- When was the last time you cried?
- Guess how many guys I’ve slept with?
- Have you ever seen your mom/sister/grandma naked?
- Are you sure you’re not gay?
- Do you like having a beer belly?
- How long does it take you to get ready for a date?
- How many girls’ numbers are in your phone?
- Can I give you a makeover?
- How much debt do you have?
- Have you ever considered plastic surgery?
- Best Truth Or Drink Questions:
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
- Have you ever broken the law? If so, why?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- What’s the worst date you’ve been on?
- What’s the best date you’ve been on?
- What is your favourite movie that you secretly know is actually terrible?
- What was the last time you’ve laughed the hardest?
- What’s the most childish thing you still do?
- What is the most gross thing you have done today?
- What was your best moment in life so far?
- Questions To Ask Your Potential Boyfriend:
- What would you love to be doing 5 years from now, 10 years from now?
- What sort of future financial plans/goals do you have?
- What is your biggest goal in life?
- Is there an experience you’ve had that has impacted the direction of your life?
- What is a decision you’ll make that may affect the direction of your life?
- What is more important in life relationships or achievements?
- Are there people you don’t like? Are there people that don’t like you?
- Where are good places for a couple to be romantic?
- What has been an embarrassing moment for you?
- Do you ever find yourself bored?
- Cute Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend:
- What’s your favourite kind of date?
- What do you think my favourite kind of date is?
- If you were going to plan a super extravagant surprise for me (and money wasn’t a cost) – what would you do for me? What do you think I would most like?
- If you could buy me any gift – and money wasn’t a cost again – what would you buy?
- If you could take me anywhere on a romantic get-away, where would we go?
- What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done or would like to do?
- What’s your idea of dating hell? Which kind of dates would you least like to do and why?
- Okay, so, I’m going to cook you a special dinner (if you’re lucky, I really will!) – what would be your idea of the best meal? Let’s say starter, main and dessert – top choices?!
- What’s one thing that I’ve done for you that surprised you? Or one thing that will always stick with you?
- What makes me a great girlfriend?