Do you find yourself wondering, “what am i?” on a regular basis? To find out what kind of person you are, take this what am i quiz and answer a few questions about your personality, career options, and favorite pastimes. You could be a poetic, serene mediator or an inventive, strategic architect. Whatever the situation may be, you are one-of-a-kind. Answer these who am i questions get this party started!
You and your friends are trying to stay active, so you decide to join some classes at the local gym. Which class do you sign up for?
It is a quiet afternoon, and you're getting a bit bored. What do you decide to do?
Which career would you rather pursue?
You decide to be ambitious this summer and sign up for some summer courses. Which course do you sign up for?
Which famous figure inspires you most?
What is your Zodiac sign?
What is your favorite kind of flower?
What is your favorite fruit?
How would you describe your personality?
What is your favorite film genre?
What Am I Riddles With Answers
The Designer
You are The Designer, after all! You're creative, decisive, ambitious, and inquisitive. You are a strategic thinker who has a game plan for every situation. You also have a voracious appetite for knowledge and enjoy discovering and learning new things.
The Observer
You are The Observer, after all! Poetic, compassionate, kind, idealistic, and serene are all words that come to mind when I think of you. You have a reserved demeanor, yet you have strong values that you are always willing to defend. You are practical as well, but you manage to preserve your positive attitude and determination.
The Entrepreneur
You are the Entrepreneur! You are clever, dynamic, conscious, and smart. You're a hard worker who enjoys taking chances. You adore drama, but you keep a decent sense of humor when your plans don't go as planned. However, because you are so enthusiastic about certain things, you can be pretty emotional.
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