To have a fun conversation with your partner you need to have a good set of mixed questions that have dirty, flirty, naughty, hard questions.
You may also use would you rather questions on a road trip, on a date night, when you’re at home resting, or whenever you want to have some fun.
Take a look and make a list of questions to ask your partner, which you may mix with others depending on the type of fun you want to have. Enjoy!

- Would You Rather Questions For Girlfriend:
- Would you rather go on vacation with other couples or go only with your significant other?
- Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
- Would you rather not shower for a week or not shave for a week?
- Would you rather not brush your teeth for 3 days or not wash your face for 3 days?
- Would you rather go to a bar or stay home?
- Would you rather be good at every activity or know everything?
- Would you rather wear fashionable clothes or comfortable clothes?
- Would you rather eat ice cream all your life or chocolate?
- Would you rather be able to jump really high or run really fast?
- Would you rather figure it out yourself or ask for help?
- Would you rather have a muscular body or a normal body?
- Would you rather never be able to eat hot food or never be able to eat cold food?
- Would you rather be alone or around people most of the time?
- Would you rather eat your favorite meal for two months or never eat your favorite meal again?
- Would you rather watch a reality TV show or a movie?
- Would you rather live by the ocean for one year and have no money or never live there?
- Would you rather have your lover tell you what they want as a gift or surprise them?
- Would you rather go bungee jumping or skydiving together?
- Would you rather go to the movies or go to a baseball game together?
- Would you rather go whale watching or swim with the dolphins together?
- Would you rather go to the theater or go ice skating together?
- Would you rather have a cat or a dog?
- Would you rather cook as a couple or not cook at all?
- Would you rather attend a horse race or a dog show together?
- Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
- Would you rather go to a hip hop club together or do a tango dance?
- Would you rather be with a partner who is an influencer on social media or have a partner who has no social media at all?
- Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your coworkers or on social media?
- Would you rather have a partner who is famous or a partner who is rich?
- Would you rather have a partner who never hugs you or a partner who never kisses you?
- Would you rather get proposed in a public place or in private?
- Would you rather be trapped together in an escape room or a haunted house?
- Would you rather be a superhero or a villain?
- Would you rather be able to read your lover’s mind or feel their emotions?
- Would you rather live by the sea or in the mountains?
- Would you rather be a professional dancer or a professional singer?
- Would you rather be cold all the time or hot all the time?
- Would you rather go to a fancy restaurant or to a picnic with your sweetie?
- Would you rather be a famous movie star couple or a power business couple?
- Would you rather control time or control space?
- Would you rather sleep n*ked or with pjs?
- Would you rather be purely physical or make a commitment?
- Would you rather we talk through text, calling, or social media?
- Would you rather date a good kisser or a good lover?
- Would you rather give up your favorite food or give up s*x for six months?
- Would you rather be with a girl who has a great work ethic or a girl who plays hard?
- Would you rather take a vacation with me or a vacation with your friends?
- Would you rather be with a girl who loves your friends or one who loves your family?
- Would you rather have a shotgun wedding or a large, planned-out wedding?
- Would you rather give or receive in the b3d r00m?
- Would you rather watch a horror movie or a satire movie?
- Would you rather spend your day with family or friends?
- Would you rather spend $10000 on shoes or clothes?
- Would you rather spit or swallow?
- Would you rather lick or get licked?
- Would you rather get your period on the beach or on a date?
- Would you rather never have to shave again or never have to deal with cramps?
- Would you rather release your diary or a film of your most embarrassing moment?
- Would you rather be itchy or sticky for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather listen to One Direction or Justin Beiber?
- Would you rather give up Instagram or eat the same meal for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be a hopeless romantic OR hopeful unromantic?
- Would you rather wear a snowsuit in the desert or be nak*d in Antarctica?
- Would you rather have a good-looking, rich and dumb boyfriend or an average, poor and caring boyfriend?
- Would you rather give a bad gift to your boyfriend or no gift at all?
- Would you rather cook breakfast for your boyfriend and serve it on his bed or ask him to cook one?
- Would you rather make a gift made by hand or purchase it from a store?
- Would you rather let your partner think that you cheated or you actually cheat him?
- Would you rather kiss your boyfriend in private or in public?
- Would you rather have a boyfriend that everyone hates or good friends that your boyfriend hates?
- Would you rather marry a total stranger or get forced to get intimate with one?
- Would you rather puke on a bus trip or have diarrhea on a bus trip?
- Would you rather be a skunk or a dung beetle?
- Would you rather be caught stealing food or money?
- Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?
- Would you rather be as hairy as a grizzly bear or be completely bald?
- Would you rather be unable to laugh or unable to cry?
- Would you rather be locked in a public restroom or be stuck in an elevator?
- Would you rather be stranded on an island by yourself or with someone that you loathe?
- Would you rather someone puked on you or sneezed in your face?
- Would you rather eat a dead rat or a handful of live worms?
- Would you rather eat a handful of pubic hair or lick a toilet seat?
- Would you rather have a massive hangover at work or at a family dinner?
- Would you rather have fingers for legs or legs for fingers?
- Would you rather lick a horse’s feet or a toilet seat?
- Would you rather lick an armpit or chew a toenail?
- Would you rather lose your eyebrows or your eyelashes?
- Would you rather wear mismatched socks or mismatched shoes?
- Would you rather have it with the lights on or off?
- Would you rather have one partner or multiple partners?
- Would you rather cuddle every day or shower together daily?
- Would you rather only have meaningless ONS or committed relations with one person that cannot go past 1 year?
- Would you rather have it in an abandoned building or in a public park?
- Would you rather grant everyone’s naughty wishes or have all your naughty wishes granted?
- Would you rather cuddle up in front of a fireplace, or light your fire in bed?
- Would you rather accidentally send a dirty text to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your mom?
- Would you rather talk dirty to me over the phone or through text/picture messages?
- Would you rather make love on a beach or in a Jacuzzi?
- Would you rather lose your sense of feeling during love or lose your sense of taste?
- Would you rather play teacher or doctor?
- Would You Rather Questions Dating:
- Would you rather get a good morning text or a good night text?
- Would you rather shower together or apart?
- Would you rather have the lights on or off?
- Would you rather know my romantic fantasy or tell me yours?
- Would you rather be blindfolded or have me wear the blindfold?
- Would you rather kiss me in public or kiss me in private?
- Would you rather be cheated on by a partner, or cheat on a partner?
- Would you rather never wear underclothes again or never wear socks again?
- Would you rather have your naughty search history published or never be able to get excited watching a naughty movie?
- Would you rather be kissed on the lips over and over or be kissed all over?
- Would you rather dress sexy and have a luxurious night on the town, or stay home in sweats and snuggle?
- Would you rather have it on the kitchen table or the washing machine?
- Would you rather be able to speak and understand every language in the world or know how to talk to animals?
- Would you rather have to eat food with moldy jam on it once a day, or never eat a meal with me again?
- Would you rather not shower for a week or not brush your teeth for a week?
- Would you rather burp butterflies or fart glitter?
- Would you rather be balding but in shape or overweight with a full head of hair?
- Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or has bad breath?
- Would you rather be with a partner who never shaves or one who never cuts their toenails?
- Would you rather your partner have a tattoo of their ex or have to tell your parents you met on Tinder?
- Would you rather have a partner who hates pets or loves them more than you?
- Would you rather your partner be with a dumb wealthy partner or a smart broke one?
- Would you rather share a toothbrush with your partner or have to wear your partner’s underclothes?
- Would you rather walk in on your parent or have them walk in on you?
- Would you always sweat profusely when talking to your partner or constantly forget what you were going to say?
- Would you rather have to eat fast food every day or only be able to drink water?
- Would you rather never be able to wear black or never wear white?
- Would you rather faint during an important presentation to your managers or at your wedding?
- Would you rather have to live with an embarrassing tattoo or a bad piercing?
- Would you rather have to eat pizza for one meal every day or never again?
- Would you rather wrestle a gorilla or 2 alligators?
- Would you rather be stuck in a cage with a tiger for five minutes or have to eat three-year-old moldy cheese?
- Would you rather be the last two people in a zombie apocalypse or be on a stranded island?
- Would you rather reincarnate as a lion or a dog?
- Would You Rather Naughty Questions For Couples
- Would you rather talk with me about someone you fancy or fantasize about it secretly in your mind?
- Would you rather Be on top or underneath?
- Would you rather Bring another person in bed or cheat on me?
- Would you rather do romantic things or try out some new kinky ideas?
- Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your spouse cheating?
- Would you rather let your significant other sleep with your best friend or sleep with your significant other’s best friend?
- Would you rather let your spouse date your best friend or your arch enemy?
- Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
- Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
- Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
- Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you but tasted horrible or eat something that tasted great but was bad for you?
- Would you rather go through life unable to forget anything ever or go through life unable to remember anything?
- Would you rather have a huge imagination or a photographic memory?
- Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
- Would you rather have to spend the next 20 years as a student, or spend the next 20 years as an employee?
- Would you rather live in a country where the government is almost always doing the right thing or live in a country where they have to listen to you?
- Would you rather live in a country where you could speak the language fluently or would you rather be able to teleport?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone ignores you or in a world where everyone is mean to you?
- Would you rather live in a world where there is no crime or no privacy?
- Would you rather live in a world with no disease or live in a world where there is income equality?
- Would you rather never be rejected ever again, or never fail ever again?
- Would you rather be famous for all the wrong reasons or not famous at all?
- Would you rather live in a future where people take everything too seriously or a future where people don’t take anything seriously?
- Would you rather never have to worry about money or never be tempted to buy things you don’t need?
- Would you rather have an exciting but dangerous life or a boring but meaningful life?
- Would you rather be liked by everyone you’ve ever met or have everything you’ve ever wanted?
- Would you rather be the center of attention or go unnoticed?
- Would you rather spend a week with someone you really admire or spend a week with someone whose company you really enjoy?
- Hold my hand or put your arm around my waist?
- Go watch a movie or go watch the sunset?
- Kiss on the cheek or kiss on the forehead?
- Peck on the lips or French kiss?
- Cuddle under the stars or cuddle under a blanket?
- Ride bikes together or take a long walk?
- Go to a photo booth or take silly selfies?
- Me cook you breakfast in bed or a candlelit dinner?
- Go surfing or jet skiing?
- Take a shower with me or a bath with me?
- Pass notes or send text messages?
- Kiss on the first date or wait for a few dates?
- Go on a date with friends or just you and me?
- See me in a bathing suit or in underclothes?
- Me wear your t-shirt or one of my skin-tight cami tops?
- Dance under the moon or in a club?
- Cuddle with me or m*ke 0ut?
- Cook dinner with me or have me cook dinner?
- Go on a road trip or fly to our destination?
- Go on a destination cruise or take a flight?
- Travel around the world or have a family?
- Explore outer space or explore the depths of the oceans?
- Buy a card or make a card?
- Receive a love letter or receive a poem?
- Watch a romantic comedy with me or go shopping with me?
- Get a pedicure with me or get a massage with me?
- Receive a gift bought from the store or a gift made by hand?
- Would you rather date my best friend or see me date your best friend?
- Would you rather break up with me first or let me break up with you first?
- Would you rather I find you red-handed cheating with another person or I find photos and videos of it on your phone?
- Would you rather we do it every other day or once every week?
- Would you rather we do it once a week or once or twice a month?
- Would you rather a rough guy with an amazing athletic physique or a calm good guy with a skinny emaciated looks?
- Would you rather go with someone way younger than you or way older than you?
- Would you rather a partner who is extremely skinny or one who has more weight?
- Would you rather we love each other deeply in private or we let the whole world know of our love and risk them breaking us apart?
- Would you rather we let your parents know about us or let them find it first?