Home Quiz Does He Want To Kiss You?

Does He Want To Kiss You?

Does He Want To Kiss You?-AffectionGuide
Does He Want To Kiss You?-AffectionGuide

Do you have the feeling that the person you like wants to kiss you, but you’re not sure because he hasn’t come out and said so? Many signals indicate that a man wants to kiss you, and this is due to the fact that men express themselves in a variety of ways when they desire something. Take this quiz to find out.


Does he give communication signals?

Does he stare at you seductively?

Does he try to seduce you?

Do you think he wants to kiss you?

Does he ever attempt to kiss you?

Has he talked about it during your conversations?

Does he show his interest in kissing you through his body language?

Does he try to touch you?

Does he always want to be around you?

Does he stare at your lips?

Does He Want To Kiss You?
He wants to kiss you

It appears he tries making it obvious to you through his signals. However, you need more concrete signs before you make your move. You’ve studied his body language severally, and you are sure he wants to kiss you.
He wants to kiss you sometimes but doesn't know if it's the right thing to do.

He’s probably confused and does not know whether it’s the right thing to do. You are thinking of asking him if he wants to be kissed, but you don’t know. Maybe he is giving off the right signs.

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