What do you do with your hands when you're kissing your partner?
Do you believe that every date should end with a kiss?
How often do you brush your teeth?
What are your thoughts on PDA?
How was your first kiss?
Do you have any mouth/lip piercings?
How important is a kiss to you?
Have you ever found yourself or the person you're kissing giggling during the kiss?
Have you ever had a sex?
Which of these, in your opinion, is the worst thing that may happen during a kiss?
What Kind Of A Kisser Are You?
You're a passionate kisser.
In your relationships, you yearn for strong love and passion. Though you enjoy kissing and are willing to try new things, you prefer romance over adventure.
You're a reserved kisser.
You're a little shy when it comes to kissing, and you'd never get caught in a make out session with a lot of PDA. While you still enjoy smooching, you're more reserved in your displays of affection.
You’re a spontaneous kisser.
If you're drawn to someone, you go for it and think about it later. You don't need a specific location or someone special. You simply want to have fun.
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