Home Quiz Do I Have A Crush On Someone Quiz

Do I Have A Crush On Someone Quiz

Do I Have A Crush On Someone Quiz-AffectionGuide
Do I Have A Crush On Someone Quiz-AffectionGuide

This do i have a crush on someone quiz is for all you people out there who aren’t sure if you really like this person. Yes, it’s entirely possible to not know, because your heart might say one thing and your brain another. Anyway, if for whatever reason you’re wondering, “Could it be? Do I actually have a crush on this person?” find out right now!


How do you feel when they look at you or talk to you?

How well do you know them?

Do you do certain things/go certain places just to see them or to be with them?

If a friend said something bad about them, how would you feel/what would you say?

Are they attractive?

Do I Have A Crush On Someone Quiz
You definitely have a crush on them

It might just be a slight attraction

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