If you’re looking for a self-help book that is focused on providing tips and actionable insights on how to mend your marriage, look no further. The program created by Brad Browning offers steps that you can take to mend your marriage regardless of the current condition it is in.
Who is Brad Browning?
Before we get into what’s involved with the Mend The Marriage program, it’s important to know who created it. Brad Browning is a Vancouver-based counselor, as well as a divorce expert and relationship coach. He has a long history of success with his clients and has compiled his findings over the years into a program that he believes can help save a married life.
What’s included in the Mend The Marriage Program?
When you purchase the Mend The Marriage program, you will receive the Mend The Marriage ebook, a Mend The Marriage audiobook, a supplemental Mend The Marriage video series, several team-building workbooks to reinforce your learning and 3 additional ebooks for free. The 3 additional ebooks focus on similar topics and are titled “Infidelity Survival Guide”, “Children and Divorce”, and ”Marriage Money Matters”.
Cost and Money-Back Guarantee
When you purchase Brad’s program, you will spend a total of $49.95. This gets you everything listed above, and your purchase is backed by a money-back guarantee. This money-back guarantee essentially makes this purchase completely risk-free. If you read the entire ebook and feel that it was not worth your time and money, you can request a full refund! Brad seems very confident in his product.
Mend The Marriage eBook
The Mend The Marriage ebook is written around a simple set of principles. Brad’s condensed his knowledge and experiences over the years with the couples he has counseled into an easy-to-remember acronym: ABCD.
Brad believe the key to enacting lasting change in a marriage is:
The ABCD Method
A- Accept the situation
While the first step in this process may sound obvious, it is a crucial step to beginning the program. To start fixing marital issues, you first need to accept the fact that you are in a situation that needs fixing. Brad offers ways for married couple to come to this realization and offers guidance on how to accept the fact.
Part of accepting the situation is figuring out what exactly is going on. One of the highlights from this section of the ebook was the fact that Brad made this process less about pointing fingers and more about accepting the blame together for any faults or common mistakes that are realized. Even the simple process of accepting the situation can lead to improving one’s marriage.
B- Build resilience
Once you’ve accepted the situation, the next step is to start on your journey towards building resilience as a couple. Some of the highlights of this chapter are about good self-care practices such as healthy living, positive thinking, not beating yourself up. These basic steps are often lost on those experiencing marital troubles and can help to make a big difference in how both partners look at the world and their situation.
Brad’s main point here, is that if you are unable to take care of yourself, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to take care of your relationship. Putting yourself in a spot where you are taking care of yourself first, allows you to focus extra time and energy on your relationship.
C- Commit to change
While it’s easy to say you’re going to make a change, it’s extremely hard to stick with and follow through with in the long run if you don’t have the necessary support. This is doubly true in times of hardship and conflict such as those experienced by the people who will be purchasing this program.
Brad offers concrete steps and advice for his pupils to follow that he uses with his clients in counseling sessions. This section focuses on positivity, along with committing to the long-term change required to be successful in your current, or next relationship.
D- Dedicate yourself the task
In section D, dedication to your newfound self-awareness and commitment to change is called into question. Brad understands that making lasting changes while in a negative headspace is extremely challenging and that not everyone will succeed all of the time. He spends time telling his readers to not dwell on slip-ups, and to focus on the goal they’ve set their sights on. He lays out strategies for dealing with missteps, and these strategies are set up to lift you up along your journey when you fall down.
Chapters and Focus
The ABCD method listed above the general framework the ebook follows throughout its 24 chapters. The ebook delivers very specific guidance for a wide variety of situations throughout its well-written pages. Highlighting a few of these chapters will give you a sense of the general structure of the book as well as its progression.
Chapter 1: Here’s Where We Are
This chapter and the following chapters of “How Did We Get Here” and “Where Can We Go From Here?” offer advice and examples for beginning to accept the situation you’re in. Accepting the situation is a constant theme throughout the program and Brad believes strongly that avoidance and denial only make things worse in a relationship. While it may be unpleasant to face and fight your demons, it’s the only way to ensure true, lasting change.
Chapter 6: Inner Qualities That Will Help You to Accept the Situation
This chapter and the following chapters of “Build Resilience” and “Inner Qualities That Will Help You to Build Resilience” are all about focusing on the strengths that everyone possesses in one form or another. These chapters work to build a strong foundation for yourself so that you will be in a stable enough place to start focusing on changing or mending your marriage.
Chapter 13: Say It So You’re Understood
Chapter 13 and the following chapters of “Make Changes” and “Changing Your Mind” focus on the steps you can take to ensure your partner is on the same page as you. Having your partner on the same page and being open to making changes to the relationship is key to fixing your marriage. If one person in a failing relationship refuses to make changes, there is little that the other person can do to save it alone.
Chapter 20: Sex and Intimacy
Towards the end of the ebook, Brad focuses on the sexual nature of relationships and goes in-depth on affairs and infidelity and how to handle them if they should occur. An affair is often an extremely troubling time in a relationship and an event that can completely destabilize a partnership.
Chapter 22: Mental Health and Addictions
Chapter 22 discusses the unfortunate reality of mental health and addictions in relationships and how they may influence the partnership. He discusses this further in the next chapter titled “Abuse”.
Mend The Marriage Workbooks
After completing the ebook, Brad has created workbooks that can be done solo or as a couple to further reinforce the messages he relays in his ebook. While I did not personally complete the workbooks, I can see how they would help. I actually think doing them together as a couple (depending on the situation) could be extremely helpful and potentially even a fun time. Every important concept that is covered in the ebook can be found in the workbooks.
Mend The Marriage Video Series
The Mend The Marriage program also comes with a video series that is designed to supplement the readings. There are links to videos within the program to corresponding videos that will further explain concepts in Brad’s own words.
I thought the video series was particularly helpful if I was having trouble understand a certain concept in the ebook, although there were one or two sections that I was unable to find corresponding video content for. I understand that this is because the videos are meant to supplement the ebook and not entirely replace them. I don’t think you would get the full experience if you only watched the videos.
Mend The Marriage: Bonus eBooks
When you purchase Brad’s program, you will also receive 3 additional ebooks that contain information on more specific situations often faced by couples experiencing relationship troubles. If you have not experienced one of these specific situations, they will not be as helpful to you. The books cover the following areas:
Infidelity Survival Guide
This ebook focuses on infidelity in relationships. While I have not had this particular experience, I read through the ebook and it has a LOT of information packed into the pages. I can see it being particularly helpful for men and women who have dealt with infidelity in their relationships as Brad offers specific, actionable steps to take.
Children and Divorce
The Children and Divorce ebook is targeted towards an unintentional victim of troubled relationships, the children. Brad’s main focus in this chapter is to help parents save their children from the negative impacts on children of a troubled or failing marital life.
Marriage Money Matters
An unfortunate reality is that a lot of marriage problems stem from issues related to finances. Brad provides suggestions for a wide variety of situations if you are experiencing similar troubles in your own relationship. He references his own experiences as well as his clients, and offers steps to take to get yourself out of a negative mindset relating to money and relationships.
Should you buy the Mend The Marriage Program?
Overall, I thought that this program was well written, and well put together. It is clear that Brad knows what he is talking about and that he has experience in this arena. Each point he makes is backed up by examples and suggestions on how to fix a certain situation that is common to a troubled marriage.
I would recommend purchasing this program if you are having marital troubles, or if you think they’re just beginning. There is, after all, a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you complete the program and feel that you did not get the value you paid for, you are able to get a refund with no questions asked. I highly doubt most people would feel this way if they truly took their time and went through the program, but having the option is always nice! It shows the creator stands behind their product.