Home Quiz Am I The Problem In My Relationship Quiz

Am I The Problem In My Relationship Quiz

Am I The Problem In My Relationship Quiz-AffectionGuide
Am I The Problem In My Relationship Quiz-AffectionGuide

Relationships aren’t flawless all of the time. You may run into difficulties sometime along the route. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how things go sometimes, and anything can be a source of contention; the most important thing is to learn to sort things out and go on. However, if the same disagreement arises over and over again, and it is based on your character, you must consider whether you are the source of the problem in your relationship. Take our am I the problem in my relationship quiz to find whether this is true in your situation.


Are you too possessive of your lover?

Are you the one starting arguments?

Are you selfish when it comes to love?

Are you the main one breaking up when you feel like it?

Am I The Problem In My Relationship Quiz
You are not the problem in your relationship because you try to stay away from problems

There’s nothing problematic about how you behave in your relationship because you know how to stay away from problems. You don’t like arguing with your lover and when things get too heated you would rather leave instead of aggravating things even more. You would prefer the other person to get their spirit back, and apologize and perhaps work on their temper or the issue that seemed to cause the problem in the first place.
You're not the cause of the problems in your relationship, you are just too pushy

It’s not that you are a problem in the relationship; you just have your moments, where you are clearly pushy. You will not stop until you get what you want, especially when you have been neglected for a long time. You don’t like to be neglected by your lover. And it may sound like blackmailing sometimes, but to you, it’s worth it because at least you can remind them that you do exist.

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