What is your ex's opinion about their achievements?
Who would you say was the most in control of the relationship?
Did your ex think the whole world revolves around them?
Do you think thar your ex was very manipulative?
When you used to speak with them, did they...
How much attention did they need from you?
Were they argumentative?
On a scale of 1 to 10, would you say your ex rates themselves as a partner?
What words would you use to describe your ex?
When you would talk to your ex about a tough day at work, how would they respond?
Is My Ex A Narcissist Quiz
Your Ex Is A Narcissist
Your ex is a narcissist! People like them rarely change, and the problem is that they frequently decline therapy and refuse to accept their problem. Your partner has some narcissistic tendencies
Your Ex Doesn’t Seem To Be A Narcissist
You should not confuse self-confidence with narcissism. It's natural for them to be proud of their accomplishments or conscious of their attributes, so relax and enjoy the fact that your partner is not a narcissist.
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