Every one of us makes mistakes in our life and after some time we realize or regret our mistakes. Mistakes are one of the great parts of our life and from that, you will have great life experiences. Every close relationship has its fights and arguments over some silly things or some big mistakes. Sometimes after the argument,an apology isn’t enough to make things right but you have to keep trying till the end. If both people are willing to make things right then you will have success in the end but you have to learn some lessons from your experience.
Nowadays, dating is not an easy part of life. Many factors will affect your relationship and you will also go from some hard times in your relationship. Most of the time, people have several misunderstandings about the other person which are not true but many people prefer to hold a grudge. Holding a grudge will make your relationship worst and it will also affect your health. Rather than holding a grudge you can communicate with other people and try to understand their part of the story.
As we all know that coin has two sides and every side has to be seen in the end. Many of us just see our side of the story and make assumptions about the other person. When you are in a relationship or married, you have to press your anger down for the second and give another person a chance to explain themselves. You can’t just come up with a certain decision without discussing it with the other person. We all know that “sorry”is a small word but it has a big meaning and if you are making your apology from your heart then you have to tell your partner about how important this relationship is for you and how sorry you are for your mistake.
Communication is one of the great parts of a good relationship. You have to talk about everything with your partners like your fears and your darkest secret etc. Communication will make your bond stronger and it will help you to come closer with your partner emotionally. This will also give you chance to explain yourself in front of your partner. Most people just ignore the communication part and move on with things but in your mind, you will always think about the mistake. Communicating with Your loved one will clear all the misunderstandings and it will also build the trust factor in your relationship.

Suppose you are the one who is getting hurt in the relationship by your partner then you have to handle this situation by using your mind. You can’t just walk away from the situation. The first thing is to communicate with your partner that you are getting hurt if they don’t know. Tell them how you feel about this whole situation. Try to find the solution to this situation. If the other person is genuinely sorry for their mistakes then try to give them a second chance. Chances are also an important factor of the relationship. Sometimes it makes your relationship great and sometimes makes it worse but you have to choose the situation wisely.
When you feel the person who is making mistakes is willing to try their best in the future then you should consider giving them a second chance. If you are on the other side of the story which means you are the one who is hurting your partner unknowingly or knowingly then try to explain yourself to your partner. If you want to be with them and make it work then you should try to change your habits. You have to give a heartfelt apology with a sweet gesture to your partner. In the end, they decide to forgive you or not but you have to make it more clear to them that you will change. You will make an effortto make them happy and make them feel that they are special.
You can’t consider that saying sorry will make everything right because sometimes it is just a word. People get hurt on that level which will never heal by saying sorry. If the person is more important to you than the mistakes then you will consider forgiving them but if you know that you will never be happy with the person in the future then you just have to leave them for your good. You can’t force someone to stay with you. You also can’t blame them forever for their mistakes. You just have to clean your mind and try to start a new life.
But when you are sorry for your mistakes and want to be with the person then you have to know that sorry will not be enough. You have to explain to them everything like what is you are feeling now or what you will feel for them etc. This will make them special in your life. You can explain that how much they matter in your life. You also have to make promises that you will not do this again and stick to your word. As we all know that the mistakes will teach you life lessons and it will also help you to improve your relationship. When you come through from hard times in your relationship you will feel closer to your partner. It will also make your communication great with your partner.

Indeed, saying sorry isn’t enough for some situations but if you are with the right person then you will pass through every argument or fight in your relationship. You will learn from this fight and grow with each other. The right person always makes you feel great about yourself and they will also give you chance to explain yourself. In every healthy relationship, trust and communication are the basic pillars. If you have them in your relationship then you will enjoy every moment with your partner and try to make things right. In the end,Apologizing to your partner is one of the things which will explain that you respect them and you are sorry for your mistakes. This will also explain that you will never do it again.
So try to give your partner what they deserve and love them till the end.