I have spent probably hundreds of hours of my time on the internet looking up relationship advice. This is because every relationship I end up in always seems to turn into a disaster. Either the guy becomes uninterested, I find out he is cheating on me, or simply he doesn’t want something long-term.
Luckily, in my extensive research for relationship advice on the internet, I stumbled across “The Devotion System” by the relationship expert Amy North. This is a program that is designed to help women like myself who have been struggling to find a man or keep their man interested in their relationship.
What Is The Devotion System?
Simply put, The Devotion System is a guide explaining every aspect of dating for women. The system starts from the basics like getting a guy’s phone number and initiating that first text. It will truly give you the advice and guidance you need at every step of a relationship.
It explains how to get into a real relationship and helps women who are consistently facing difficulties when it comes to dating. Dating can be brutal, especially when every relationship has been one failure after another. Trust me, I have been there and faced many relationship difficulties. I’ve been cheated on,lied to, and flat told the man was attracted to me. It hurts your self-esteem, pride, and makes you not want to date anyone anymore. It doesn’t have to be this way. Ladies, I’m telling you, this guide changed my life and the way I view dating.
After reading this relationship guide, you will now have the expert advice you need when it comes to dating. Think about it like this, if you wanted to get in shape, you would hire a personal trainer or read up on exercise techniques, right? So, why should dating be any different? You need to have someone show you the ropes, you can’t be flying blind. I mean look at where we are, we are reading a review for a online program to help us with our love life with great relationship techniques. Clearly, what we have been doing is not work, so it’s time to enlist the help of an expert. Dating is difficult, it’s a game that requires the correct moves to get the results you want.
I’m not sitting here and saying read this book and you will magically fall in love and live happily ever after. What I’m saying is, every woman out there can benefit from giving The Devotion System a try and I know it will improve your love life as well as how to view yourself in a more positive light.
What Makes Amy North An Expert?
The author of The Devotion System, the relationship coach Amy North, has been a dating coach for years. She is an expert in divorce, dating, break-ups, and marriage. She understands that love takes hard work, dedication, and commitment in order to last the test of time. Amy is highly regarded in her field as one of the best dating coaches around, and her system shows that what she has been teaching her clients for years works.
How Does The System Help?
Well, if you’re like me, you always go into these things with a bit of skepticism. Hear me out, I was the same way, but this system is a game changer.
The book is available as a pdf, so you can read it on your PC, smartphone, or tablet. I always appreciate when these types of programs are on a pdf because honestly, who wants to have a dating guide as a physical book. It would be a bit embarrassing if someone asked you about it.
Regardless, the pdf is the perfect way for you to maintain privacy while reading this relationship program The Devotion System.
The Devotion System is broken down into three part series:
Part 1: Letting go and moving on
Part 2: Men 101
Part 3: Stages Of Love
Part 1: Letting Go and Moving On
When you first begin the comprehensive program, you will be introduced to part 1: letting go and moving on. This chapter focuses on self-improvement. She encourages women to let go of their past of the mistakes made in their past and start to focus on their personality. After all, nobody can love you if you dont love yourself. This chapter emphasizes your inner beauty. If you focus on your inner beauty, then you will boost your self-esteem, confidence, and your self-love. A man wants a woman who is confident in themselves, looks fade, but a personality is forever. Men are typically more so attracted to a woman with a fantastic personality than a woman who they find physically attractive.Amy discusses something called the SPARK technique. S.P.A.R.K stands for:
Sexy and Sassy
Playful and positive
Attractive and admirable
Radiant and real
Keen and kind
Amy North, the personal relationship coach, goes in-depth explaining these traits she wants you to develop. These character traits are what you need to work on to become the dream woman of your man.
How To Be Attractive
In this section, best selling author Amy discusses “Six Steps To Embracing Your Inner Marilyn.” The goal of this section to boost your self confidence nd positive self-image that Amy knows is hidden inside of you. Her advice for women is that the change starts from the way you view yourself. If you can change the way you think about yourself, you will begin to have more confidence and you will start to actually feel more attractive.
She explains to you how to groom yourself, and the reasons why you should do things you enjoy. Amy also breaks down this idea of mentally photoshopping yourself, and by this she means how to edit out all of the bad parts your view about yourself, and how to replace them with positive thinking.
There are no secret weapons here, Amy is simply just explaining to you the benefits of viewing yourself in a more positive light, and how self-love will slowly improve your confidence.
Part 2: Men 101
In this section, Amy discussed how to fully understand men. It breaks down a lot of the misunderstandings often found between men and women. She covers topics such as:
Myths about men
How Men Work
What Makes Men Chase You
What Pushes Men Away
How To Hook And Seduce Him
This section will give you a better idea of what your expectations from your man should be. It gives you a better understanding of how a man’s brain work without going too in-depth. Although it discusses male psychology on a surface level, I think it is important for every woman out there you understand the ideas Amy is presenting for future relationships.
One of the best parts of this section is when Amy discusses communicating with your man. She discusses the importance of overall communication in a relationship, and how open lines of communication make healthy relationship for both members.
Part 3: Stages Of Love
The final section of The Devotion System is stages of love. This section discusses everything from attraction techniques, dating techniques, how to make a man become obsessed with you, and proper things to do on dates.
One of the first topics Amy talks about is the monogamy message. The monogamy message is essentially telling your man how much you love him because this is going to keep him feeling wanted.
She also talks about proper phone technique, which is something I found interesting. Although Amy doesn’t go too much in depth with this topic, it was still interesting to learn about some proper phone technique for dating.
Amy also includes a section on how to satisfy your man sexually. I think this is a great tool for any woman, although I think many of us already aware of most of the information in this part of the system.
Finally, she discusses male hot spots, points on their body that will drive them absolutely wild. She even includes images, so it’s very easy to understand.
Should You Buy The Devotion System?
Yes, you should absolutely buy this devotion sequence. If you’re a woman out there, and you are struggling to either maintain your relationship or even get into a romantic relationship, I think there is a lot of value for you here.
For me personally, The Devotion System has been an absolute godsend. Ever since I started reading the detailed explanations of the system my love life couldnt be better. I met the man of my dreams, and it is easily the best relationship I have ever been in. I feel loved, secure, and he is genuinely happy to be with me. Plus, we are having some of the best sex I have ever had in my life thanks to the tips from Amy’s guide. Overall, I think this book is a must read for any woman in a relationship or single women.
One important thing to remember is, this will not be an overnight success. This is a guide that is going to require a lot of work on your end, especially on yourself to achieve the relationship goals. I promise you, if you follow the advice Amy gives in this guide, you are going to feel so much better about yourself, and that will help attract your partner and ensure a lasting relationship.