Home Quiz Is Your Relationship In Trouble?

Is Your Relationship In Trouble?

Is Your Relationship In Trouble?-AffectionGuide
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?-AffectionGuide

Have you and your partner been fighting over the same issues repeatedly? Have you and your partner been spending less time together? These are just a handful of the warning signals that your relationship is in trouble! Take this quiz to find out if you really need to worry or not!


How often do you get together for having some quality time?

When was the last time you had a good time with your partner?

Are you able to envision a future with your partner?

Have you been keeping a lot of secrets from your partner lately?

Are you dissatisfied with your relationship?

How often do you get into fights/heavy arguments?

Do you spend more time focusing on unimportant things than on each other?

Not Praising Them-AffectionGuide

How frequently do you have sex?

Do you ever consider having an affair?

When you see your partner, how do you feel?

Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
Your relationship is not in trouble.

You're simply going through some difficult times that will pass. Remember to be supportive and caring to one another and that communication is essential for a good and happy relationship.
Your relationship seems to be in trouble 

You've stopped focused on each other and are constantly fighting over the same issues. You should spend some quality time together and try to reignite the flame that drew you two together in the first place!

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