Home Quiz Is Your Partner Cheating On You?

Is Your Partner Cheating On You?

Is Your Partner Cheating On You?-AffectionGuide
Is Your Partner Cheating On You?-AffectionGuide

Have you noticed your partner acting suspiciously lately? Take this quiz to see if their odd behavior indicates that they’re cheating on you.


Is your partner publicly affectionate?

Simple Dating Tips and Tricks for Introverts-AffectionGuide

What is your relationship status?

Has your partner’s need for privacy increased lately?

Has your partner been using secretive apps that you aren't aware of?

What would your partner's reaction be if you picked up their phone?

Is your partner suddenly taking on more responsibilities at work?

Is your partner keeping you in the dark about their spending and financial history?

When was the last time they went out of their way to make you feel special?

Does your partner behave the same way as they used to?

Have you noticed that your partner has been avoiding intimacy with you lately?

Is Your Partner Cheating On You?
NO 🙂

Your partner is not cheating on you. No need to worry, you relationship is strong.

There’s a chance that your partner might be cheating on you. Tread with caution and confront them about their behavior.

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