Home Quiz Will Your Boyfriend Break Up With You?

Will Your Boyfriend Break Up With You?

Will Your Boyfriend Break Up With You?-AffectionGuide
Will Your Boyfriend Break Up With You?-AffectionGuide

Do you think your boyfriend is tired of you or has a different attitude toward you? When you sense that your partner has lost interest in you, it’s a hint that he wants to end the relationship. If he blames you for all of your quarrels, forgets to call you, or ignores your texts, these are all signs that he wants to end the relationship. When one partner wishes to quit the relationship, the behavior of the other can be complicated to understand. If you think your boyfriend is trying to break up with you, take this quiz to find out.


Does he always lie about being busy all the time?

How often do you argue?

How well do you spend time with each other?

Are there things you feel he doesn’t tell you?

Has he changed a lot since you started dating?

Have you been a supportive girlfriend?

Does he respond to your “I love you”?

Does he frequently hang out with other friends?

Does he complain about unnecessary things?

Do you feel he’s tired of the relationship?

Will Your Boyfriend Break Up With You?
He has no intention of ending his relationship with you.

It appears that you and your boyfriend are happy in your relationship. He shows no signs of wanting to end the relationship. He is happy with you. He renews his devotion to you and the relationship on a frequent basis, promising you that he will always be at your side.
He might be considering ending your relationship.

You are not one who like to go out much-AffectionGuide

He appears to be becoming tired of you and may leave you at some point. If he starts to act strangely toward you, you should find out the reason for his behavior so that you can work things out with him.

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