Home Quiz What Kind Of Lover Are You?

What Kind Of Lover Are You?

What Kind Of Lover Are You?-AffectionGuide
What Kind Of Lover Are You?-AffectionGuide

Are you one of those people whose heart starts fluttering while reading a romance novel or fantasize about your sweetheart while watching a romantic movie scene? Or are you one of those romantic types that see everything through a pragmatic lens and believe you can strike the right mix between mushy and realistic? There’s also a subset of romantics who believe romance is overrated; are you one of them? If you’re not sure what kind of lover you are, here’s a brief quiz to help you figure it out.


What’s your idea of a romantic date?

What would you like to gift your partner on their birthday?

The first thing you do after waking up in the morning:

How many times do you say ‘I Love You’?

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

Do you believe in the idea of true love?

The movie you would love to watch with your partner:

Do you listen to romantic songs and can’t stop thinking about your partner?

What Kind Of Lover Are You?
You are, without a doubt, a really romantic person. You enjoy mushy things and are always looking for new methods to inject romance into your relationship.

Simple Dating Tips and Tricks for Introverts-AffectionGuide

You're a more of a practical person. You appreciate the concept of being in love, but you also want to keep things grounded.

You could probably start an anti-romance campaign and find a partner who would gladly join you in it.

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