“I Love You but I’m not in Love with You” is one of the most Heartbreaking sentences for Couples and for those, whose have a strong feeling on their partners, and it feels like a words of hell. But what does the exact mean of words of hell? In overthinking we get lost in devilish thoughts far away from our relationship, and we become sad and make many unwise decisions that shake the two main pillars of our lives, health and wealth. So it is very important to know what is the meaning of your partner’s words and feelings.”
First of all, we should know that having a breakup with someone means does not stop their love for us or your love for them; it only slows down when it is disturbed. In other words, we can say “They have emotion for you, but it’s not what they want”
What is the meaning of “I Love you but, I am not in love with you”?
First of all you need to know and understand that, what is the exact meaning of his/her reply, I mean those words of hell. Here sentence divided in two different parts, first part shows he/she is very emotionally attached with you and this incomplete sound with but shows she/he is something want to tell you, which is not good about your relationship.

The second part of the sentence internally shows that there was something wrong with the relationship and the love that you share with your partner is not enough for him/her, or it can also indicate, you need to emotionally focus on him/her, because he/she want to tell you lot of things and want to share his/her feelings. So just focus on …
[Read: Can you stop loving someone doesn’t have to be hard? ]
Why Do She/he Say This?
Some people, who are proportionally rare and who fully decided, “They won’t any relationship anymore, and they wants to be alone”. This type of people is rarely seen.
Especially when this happens with your partner, he/she saw on television in movies or even on social media that type feeling, which exactly he/she feel right now. And they may have hurt so many times by family, friends, and even by you in his/her life. And as I told due to overthinking he/she reached on “I should not be in any relationship because all relationships hurting me at some point.” It is one of the possibilities not most likely reason or possibility.
Or unfortunately it can be possible, he/she may try to say “Already he/she was in love with someone else”, it means they have a positive feeling about you but he/she loves someone else. I am not angry with you or blame you, it is just a possibility that matching up with “I love you, but I am not in love with you”.
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If we describe love in other words so, Love is like a glass, it is not solid or liquid, it is somewhere between both, you need to be very careful with them, and you can’t force them to stop to being in love with someone, yes you can emotionally manipulate him/her into being with you. It may possible; sometimes he/she does not feel free because of some aggressive and bad habits like Excessive addiction anger and addiction, there you should change your habit.
Here we knew about love and his/her feeling and here we completely knew the possibilities that why he/she told you that (“I love you but I am not in love with you”) if you love her/him.
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How to Deal with this?
After all, If you want to fix this and save your relationship or partnership, if you want to deal with it, then you need to accept and follow, what she/he feels [more than he/she want (because of feeling is better than any other physical expenses)], even if you don’t like. Because if you come back and start trying to convince or explain him/her by putting your ego and attitude side away, love is there; it makes you look desperate for him/her.

And after you should apply also this step, without the help of this step it may be a little harder. It’s all about talking to each other and mix these talks with your regression, like asking her/him what he/she wanted?, what is the feeling behind your(his/her) anger? And share your feeling with your partner, quarrel, ask, reply do whatever just talk with him/her, because all chats of you are the part of your love.
Remember, you need to away from the thinking of breakup, divorce, and any other silly ideas like that, and keep your mouth shut when you want to praise any other person because at that time the good things of others in front of him can leave a negative impression on you in his/her heart.
In the end hopefully, at least he/she will change the way he interacts with you. If he/she wants to save this partnership, and if you want your partner to be in love with you again, then you are going to see these things and changes in your partner, and at least you can see his/her feeling through his/her eyes.
Some Points you should Notice during Relationship
We cannot force someone to love us, and we can’t express our love life against any specific person, because of getting harder things. But we can manipulate with emotion, someone into being with you. Because that’s the true desire, isn’t it? Think about it!

If you decided to go change anyone’s mind (even your partner’s). You took one of the worst decisions ever. Because in this case only you will fail, only you will get hurt, and he/she won’t even notice. Think about it!
Your feelings do not give two things at the same time, first what you think and the second one is what you want because love doesn’t care about your thoughts, plans, and agenda, and that’s why we recommend “dating”, (Being with us for more dating tips) Think about it!
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We all are on different emotional stages, we have to accept all emotional maturity at whatever level they are on, even what as they are. Think about it!
In a relationship most hurting thing is Expectations and silly things, which you are doing often, even you already know about that result. Think about it!
In the end, figure out what you exactly want for him/her even for you in life, and then honestly be that person. Think About it!
After overall you easy things are over and now a more enjoyable, rewarding, and difficult journey was begun. So enjoy it with us…
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