Home Quiz Do I Have A Chance With Her?

Do I Have A Chance With Her?

Do I Have A Chance With Her?-AffectionGuide
Do I Have A Chance With Her?-AffectionGuide

Do you think you and the girl you adore have a chance as a couple? Many people are curious about this; therefore we made a quiz to offer you with accurate answers. Take it right now to see if you stand a chance with her! I hope everything works out for you, but if it doesn’t, it’s her loss, and I’m sure you’ll find someone even better!


Do you ever do things for each other out of kindness or just to make the other person happy?

Do you find her attractive?

Does she touch you quite often?

Is there ever a time when you notice her staring at you?

Does she frequently to you?

When you're around, does she smile?

Does it bother her if you touch her?

How much do you like her?

Do you believe she likes you? Be honest!

Is she comfortable in your presence?

Do I Have A Chance With Her?
You definitely like each other.

I'd say you have potential, try it out! Ask her out, because I really doubt she'd say no. If she does, she's done you the favor of not wasting your time. As you get older, you'll realize how important that really is.
She probably likes you...

Tell them How You Feel-AffectionGuide

But one of you isn't quite certain about the other one and/or how you really feel. You are going to have to make a decision - or maybe go on a trial date to see how it goes between you. Good luck!
There's a chance...

I Love you but, I am not in love with you-AffectionGuide

But more than likely, you two are just friends. Unless something changes pretty markedly and she starts showing obvious interest, you shouldn't even think about trying to push it further. If you force it, you could lose her as a friend.

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